Cloud-Spezialist/in, Informatiker/in, Softwarearchitekt/in


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 14875
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 11. April 2024, Klicks: 0



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

HUK-COBURG Versicherungsgruppe
45.000 - 88.000

Allgemeine Beschreibung

IT, Cloud Computing, Agile Methoden, Frontend, Microservices, Angular, Softwareentwicklung, Domain-driven Design, Softwarearchitektur, Informatik, Java Software architect:in microservices / cloud Starting immediately in Coburg, permanent and limited to 2 years Are you passionate about software architecture and want to help drive forward the modernization of HUK IT's architecture? Do you enjoy working in an agile environment in which you pursue common goals in collaboration with various teams/stakeholders? Then we have the right job for you! As Germany's largest motor insurance company, we are a service provider with a strong customer focus, and our established values create a promising future. The strength of our tradition and our many years of business success enables us to promise our employees security and at the same time live the flexibility of today's working world. And we are proud of that. What you can look forward to You will be part of an exciting architectural modernization project in collaboration with various teams As part of our architecture development, you are responsible for the definition and evolution of the software architecture You are jointly responsible for the development of overarching architecture specifications You evaluate and test architecture and infrastructure solutions for the requirements of the development teams As a coach for modern and agile architecture work, you are the contact person for the development teams You support the development teams in the development of solution architectures and in the use of new technologies, design and architecture patterns By providing information material, you ensure that the development teams build up their knowledge Your profile Degree in computer science or a comparable subject or training in the field of computer science with professional experience You have sound knowledge and practical experience in the software development of distributed systems You have experience in the field of Java, microservice architectures and domain-driven design Ideally, you have very good knowledge and experience in one of the following areas Software architectures and software development in the cloud environment (public, on-prem) Frontend architectures and development, ideally knowledge of the Angular framework Standards (e.g. OAuth2, OIDC) and procedures (e.g. RBAC, ABAC) for authentication and authorization in distributed systems You are characterized by a confident appearance, strong communication and persuasive skills and an agile mindset Not sure whether your qualifications meet the requirements? No problem - we can explore your suitability in a joint interview. Experienced colleagues will be happy to take you on the journey What we offer you Flexible working: For us, flexible working means adapting your working hours to your circumstances. We do not have core or minimum working hours. Instead, you complete your workload within a defined working time frame - adapted to local requirements if necessary. Thanks to mobile working, under certain conditions you can even work up to half of your monthly working hours from home or on the road. Family-friendly working: We attach great importance to achieving an optimal work-life balance. For us, this includes support with childcare, vacation care and caring for relatives, as well as the opportunity to take on a part-time management position. We have been recognized as a family-friendly employer by the berufundfamilie audit since 2007. Results-oriented remuneration: In addition to your twelve monthly salaries, you will receive two collectively agreed special payments each year. And to make performance worthwhile, you will participate in a performance and results-oriented remuneration scheme, with the opportunity to receive more than one additional month's salary. Your many years of loyalty to the company will also pay off: you will receive an anniversary payment, staggered according to your length of service. Lifelong learning: If you're working on the future, you can't be stuck in the past. To ensure that you are always up to date, we support your professional development measures - both internally and externally. However, the focus of our further training measures is not only on acquiring company or job-specific qualifications, but also on the private promotion of individually desired skills - e.g. language courses, driver safety training and much more. Healthy working: Keep fit and healthy. We support you with free sports activities in our company sports facilities or a subsidy for your gym membership. Particularly active employees can take part in various HUK sports groups in their free time: e.g. running, biking or team sports such as soccer or basketball. Or learn how to integrate a healthy lifestyle into your everyday life, both professionally and privately, in lectures and seminars. And because health is also about nutrition, you can enjoy healthy and handmade delicacies in our coffee bars or the company restaurant. Have we piqued your interest? Then apply now! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Uta Orlamünde at the telephone number +49 9561 96-13236, [Apply online].

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HUK-COBURG Versicherungsgruppe

Es wurde veröffentlicht: 11. April 2024, Klicks: 0

Unternehmen: HUK-COBURG Versicherungsgruppe

Vergütung: 45.000 - 88.000

Tätigkeitsbereich: IT

Zusätzliche Informationen:

HUK-COBURG Versicherungsgruppe

Bewerbung als: Cloud-Spezialist/in, Informatiker/in, Softwarearchitekt/in

Vorname und Name:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre E-mail-Adresse:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre Nachricht:• Pflichtfeld •

Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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