Master thesis Photonic integrated circuits imprinted with Step and Repeat nanoimprint lithography


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 15914
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 26. März 2024, Klicks: 0



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

Steyr, Oberösterreich

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Master thesis -Photonic integrated circuits imprinted with Step and Repeat nanoimprint lithography Team Functional Surfaces and Nanostructures A photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is a device with integrated photonic functionality and is therefore very similar to an electronic integrated circuit. The main difference between the two is that photonic integrated circuits provide functions for information signals based on light wavelengths, usually in the visible spectrum or near infrared (850 nm - 1650 nm). One promising application is the realization of PICs for solid state LIDARs based on an optical phased array. Typically, many steps are required in order to realize a PIC. However, it is possible to realize a PIC in significantly fewer process steps if nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is used in combination with high refractive materials. This is done by pressing a nanostructured stamp into a liquid UV-curable high refractive index material on a substrate. While the stamp is in contact, the material is cured by UV-irradiation and then the stamp is removed, resulting in a nanostructured high refractive index polymer on the substrate. PROFACTOR is an applied research center located in Steyr. We conduct research in the field of additive micro/nano manufacturing and industrial assistive systems. Our team consists of around 70 employees from 15 different academic fields. We work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry and set standards in robotics, machine vision, simulation, 3D printing, functional surfaces and nanostructures. Your tasks The goals of this master thesis are * to acquire comprehensive knowledge in the field of Step and Repeat nanoimprint lithography related to PIC and high refractive index materials. * to investigate fabrication processes for PIC by step and repeat NIL. * to investigate materials with varying refractive index for imprinting and characterize their optical and mechanical properties. * to investigate the interface issues and compatibility among the different materials to make possible the multi-material process We are looking for Motivated students with a hands-on mentality in the field of physics, nanotechnology, material science, chemistry or similar studies. We offer * the possibility to work in cutting edge R&D projects with renowned industrial partners * flexible working hours * the chance to be part of a young, interdisciplinary and cooperative team Benefits Training Flexible working hours Teamwork Parking places Health measures Employee events Fruits Sport events Start/Duration May 2022 / 6 months (extendable depending on performance) Our Mission PROFACTOR's research improves the competiveness of European Industry. We are pioneers of the thinking production. We bring production back home. We offer for master thesis a compensation of 515 EUR per month. We are looking forward to your application - please apply at or send your application to [Apply online] Questions? Please contact: Dr. Michael Haslinger [Apply online] WWW.PROFACTOR.AT FROM RESEARCH TO PRODUCTION

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Es wurde veröffentlicht: 26. März 2024, Klicks: 0

Unternehmen: PROFACTOR GmbH

Arbeitsort: Steyr, Oberösterreich

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Bewerbung als: Master thesis Photonic integrated circuits imprinted with Step and Repeat nanoimprint lithography

Vorname und Name:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre E-mail-Adresse:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre Nachricht:• Pflichtfeld •

Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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