Join as online marketing intern at StudentJob, near Amsterdam!


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 991
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 8. September 2022, Klicks: 0



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

StudentJob AT
38 - 40 Stunde
Online marketing intern

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Are you currently looking for an internship abroad? Start as Online marketing intern at StudentJob near Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

What are you going to do:

You want to learn as much as possible during your internship and you are very interested in online marketing. Having a lot of responsibility is something that motivates you! You feel completely at home in an international team and like to contribute to a good atmosphere. You enjoy working with numbers, but you also like to find new ideas to send more people to the site. As a student, you are the expert of the StudentJob target group, therefore if you also enjoy writing texts, you are exactly the person we are looking for!


- You are responsible for the StudentJob websites and for attracting students and employers to register and apply;

- You analyze and process data via Google Analytics;

- You create and send emails for customers;

- You support full-time marketers in setting up online marketing campaigns, for example with Google & Facebook Ads;

- You respond effectively to all clients, from large multinationals to students (almost always via email);

- You maintain our social media channels;

- You actively collaborate with the Sales department and help collect data for customers;

- It is encouraged to come up with ideas yourself, which you can implement after consultation.

Office location: Hoofddorp, near Amsterdam

What we offer:

- A challenging, diverse and independent internship where you are surrounded by about 35-40 colleagues from all over Europe;
- The online marketing team consists of a few (international) interns and is led by three experienced online marketers, who will train and help you;
- The internship starts with a number of training courses and assignments so that you can get started well prepared. Training you can expect are SEO, Google Analytics (basics and advanced), Facebook ads / Adwords, reporting & online marketing itself;
- An internship allowance and travel allowance;
- Free lunch and coffee / tea;
- Pleasant atmosphere: colleagues also like to do something together after working hours, there is a ping-pong table in the office, we organize fun outings and often have drinks;
- You get four days off based on 6 months.

What we ask:

- Enrolled in a state-recognized university in bachelor
- You are a student for the entire duration of your internship;
- Preferably you study International Business / Marketing / Communication;
- You do not need to have experience in online marketing (we start with the training at a basic level);
- You are able to work in English, both verbally and in writing;
- You are interested in international business and online marketing;
- You need to be able to come to our office in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands.

You are preferably available for at least 6 months, starting date between November 2022 and February 2023.

The internship is full-time and there is no room for large graduation assignments. Suppose you want to write a thesis in addition to the internship, keep in mind that you will have to do this largely in your own time.

About StudentJob

StudentJob is part of YoungCapital: the largest student employment agency in the Netherlands and we are growing internationally as StudentJob International. Our mission: to be the ultimate online job site - fast, simple and accurate. We help students as well as companies when it comes to student jobs, internships and graduate jobs.


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

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Es wurde veröffentlicht: 8. September 2022, Klicks: 0

Unternehmen: StudentJob AT

Tätigkeitsbereich: Praktikum
Jobtitel: Online marketing intern
Anstellungsart: 38 - 40 Stunde

Zusätzliche Informationen:

StudentJob AT

Bewerbung als: Join as online marketing intern at StudentJob, near Amsterdam!

Vorname und Name:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre E-mail-Adresse:• Pflichtfeld •

Ihre Nachricht:• Pflichtfeld •

Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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