IT-Supportmitarbeiter/in, Provider Manager


Stellenanzeige Nr. : 12156
Es wurde veröffentlicht: 7. April 2024, Klicks: 0



Wichtigste Eigenschaften

KfW Bankengruppe

Allgemeine Beschreibung

IT-Service, Cloud Computing, Agile Methoden, Digitalisierung, IT, Service Level Agreements Welcome to KfW's IT department! We are an internationally active promotional bank that stands for the sustainable development of the environment, society and companies. As a driving force, we are actively involved in the issues that will shape the world of tomorrow. Our Information Technology division covers the entire range of demanding IT tasks: from the implementation of a business idea from the customer journey to the operation of applications. We shape KfW's digital transformation and use agile methods, modern infrastructure and cloud-based technologies. Here you have the opportunity to contribute your skills and creativity. With us, you will find an open and trusting working environment in which we embrace diversity and inclusion - because only where many different perspectives come together can groundbreaking ideas emerge. That's why we encourage your skills, your ideas and your commitment to projects that make the world a better place. Join us on your journey into the future. Become part of our team in Frankfurt am Main and support us as a IT Service/Provider Management Expert (f/m/d) in the end-user environment We offer multifaceted tasks You will focus on the holistic management of complex IT outsourcing contracts in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. Your task is to act as a central contact person within KfW and vis-à-vis the IT service provider at a tactical and operational level. As part of a team, you will manage the service provider in the provision of services in accordance with the contract. As the authority for all escalations, you are the central interface between the parties involved. You identify challenges, evaluate them and quickly arrive at appropriate solutions. You always keep an eye on the strategic goals and manage the risks of outsourcing. Your responsibilities include implementing and developing the governance structure as well as ensuring appropriate reporting. You will also optimize the relevant KPIs, SLAs and reports. What you bring with you You are well equipped for this role with a university degree in IT and telecommunications or banking or comparable qualifications. Important for your success is at least 5 years of sound experience in the holistic management of complex IT outsourcing in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements as well as in the technical management of highly diverse teams. You are very familiar with IT governance, contract, financial and service management as well as the current process standards and have a strong knowledge of the design and implementation of control mechanisms. Security and regulatory requirements in the German banking sector are just as familiar to you as the application of agile project management methods. You also have a confident manner combined with negotiating skills and assertiveness. We expect you to have a very good command of German. How we support you - benefits at KfW Company pension scheme We build on your future with a company pension plan. Remuneration in line with the market With us, you can expect an appropriate remuneration package with capital-forming benefits and a job ticket. Living diversity As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, diversity and equal opportunities are part of everyday life for us. Further development & training Always up to date with personal and professional development opportunities. Health promotion We support your health with over 30 company sports groups, health courses and an employee restaurant. Work-life balance We support you with flexible working hours, home office, 30 days' vacation, individual part-time models and parent-child offices. Would you like to take on responsibility and shape the future together with us? Then we look forward to receiving your application by clicking on the Apply button. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Christoph Burger on +49 69 7431 8222. Follow us Contact us Christoph Burger Phone +49 69 7431 8222 Email [Apply online] KfW career Application tips How to perfect your application to KfW. Read more Online application form

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KfW Bankengruppe

Es wurde veröffentlicht: 7. April 2024, Klicks: 0

Unternehmen: KfW Bankengruppe

Tätigkeitsbereich: IT

Zusätzliche Informationen:

KfW Bankengruppe

Bewerbung als: IT-Supportmitarbeiter/in, Provider Manager

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Anlagen: • Lebenslauf , Bewerbungsdokumente , weitere Anlagen •

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